Over the past couple of weeks the writers at Cleveland Wins have concentrated on the Browns because of the recent NFL draft and the beginning of a new Minicamp soon. Plus, Cleveland fans never seem to get enough of the Browns. But as the weather gets hotter and the NBA season draws to a close, our attention will turn more completely to the Indians and Cavs.
With the draft lottery to come and the actual NBA draft after that, there will be plenty to cover for the Cavs. Look for more draft player analyses and strategic commentary on the direction the Cavs should go this off-season. Much of the material has already been developed and just hasn’t reached the blog yet. We hope you like our NBA draft commentary and discussions on the Cavs. Much of our material is meant to be thought provoking and to create a bit of controversy.
With the baseball season now in full swing, you will see more and more commentary on our Tribe. They have been playing well of late and we might have something to say about that as well. This is starting out as a very interesting season for the Indians and I think we should all take a close look at this team and support them.
Again, I would welcome your comments and appreciate your support. Have fun with Cleveland Wins and there is more good stuff coming soon. We don’t have a large enough writing staff to add new material daily, but our plan is to increase the frequency of posts for you to enjoy. However, we will not just put out a blog post for the sake of adding content. We will be sure to have something interesting to say first!
I would also like to point out that www.waitingfornextyear.com is an excellent blog and something you should check out daily. Their content updates faster and the quality is excellent. They also have links to other good sports sites. Another good site for Cavs content is www.realcavsfans.com. I think the premier site for pure Indians content is www.indiansbaseballinsider.com. Tony and his crew do a fabulous job. There are many other good blogs out there and Cleveland Wins hopes to be one of your “go to” sites on the web.